Bondwell 12

In the times of the success of luggable computers, the American Bondwell also introduced a Z80 machine.

Bondwell 12

In the times of the success of luggable computers, the American Bondwell also introduced a Z80 machine.

The Bondwell 12, 14 and 16 where the Bondwell 12 only had 64 kB of memory, the 14 had 128 kB of memory and the 16 even had a 10MB hard disk.

They all ran on CP / M and weighed about 5.5 KG.

Unique to these machines is the standard "speech synthesizer" with a unique sound. Try it out here! The command is "speech"

Catalog type
Portable computer
Release Date
Zilog Z80 @ 4 MHz
64 kB
2x 180kB 5,25"
Operation System
CP/M 2.2

Museum Collection

Set up.
