The Internet

The "Internet" was a small black plastic box with a tiny red light on top, given to Jen by Roy and Moss as a joke for her employee of the month speech, which she offered to allow Roy and Moss contribute towards. They agreed, by using the "Internet".

The Internet

The "Internet" was a small black plastic box with a tiny red light on top, given to Jen by Roy and Moss as a joke for her employee of the month speech, which she offered to allow Roy and Moss contribute towards. They agreed, by using the "Internet".

The reason for the existence of this comical device was to make Jen's speech an unforgettable moment for Roy and Moss. Including such 'facts' that the "Internet" belonged on top of the Big Ben where it had the 'best reception'.

Everyone in attendance was in awe being in the presence of the "Internet".

Catalog type
Netwerk Apparatuur
Release Date
February 2013

Museum Collection

Set up in the Spacebar area.
