The HomeComputerMuseum offers a number of services for our visitors and customers. All proceeds will be used to support the museum.
Visitors information
Do you have a warm heart for computers and would you like it if your (grand)children could experience what it is like to be at the beginning of computer history? That is something the HomeComputerMuseum also stands for.
The HomeComputerMuseum is an initiative to preserve the knowledge and the machines and to present them in an interactive way. The museum evokes nostalgia and the average visitor stays there between 2 and 4 hours, often until closing time!
With over 500 computers and game consoles from the period 1975 to ± 2010, most of which are ready for use, this museum is unique in the world. Each computer is surrounded by period correct items for the ultimate nostalgic feel. View and use the computers you've owned or wanted, browse the world's largest collection of PC games and see the world's largest collection of CD-i.
View prototypes and exclusive computers (such as an Amiga used by NASA or a computer painted by Herman Brood) and relive over 40 years of computer history.
All this in more than 1000m² in the center of Helmond, a few minutes drive from Eindhoven and within walking distance of the train station. Only paid parking close to the museum.
Reserve your ticket(s) online or buy a ticket at our desk, all computers and the HomeComputerMuseum staff are ready for you!